Knights of the York Cross of Honour, was established as an Honor Group for York Rite Masons. The requirements for membership are that each proposed Candidate for membership must have presided over a Lodge as a Worshipful Master, over a Chapter as Excellent High Priest, over a Council as Thrice Illustrious Master and over a Commandery as Eminent Commander for at least one entire year. Knights of the York Rite Cross of Honour are York Rite Masons who are dedicated to serving the Masonic Fraternity as Labor of Love.
No individual should aspire to membership in K.Y.C.H. When he has completed the required work and labor and done it well, he will be rewarded by being invited to become a member. Prior to his invite, his name must be submitted by a member of the Priory. The prospective member should not know that he has been proposed until he is officially notified that he has been elected to petition for membership. If this rule is followed, no one that is proposed and rejected should ever know that he was proposed and/or rejected, thereby saving much embarrassment and discontent for everyone.
When a Priory receives a proposal, such proposal is supposed to hold it over until the next stated meeting before his petition is ballot upon. Just serving as the Master, High Priest, Thrice Illustrious Master and Eminent Commander does not automatically make you eligible to this prestige honor. You must have worked for the Good of the Order.
The meaning of membership into the Priory can best be explained by a closing statement of the Most Eminent Knight Donald F. Friend, Grand Master General at his Convent General Session in 1995, “As a Knight of York Cross of Honour, you are a proven servant of the Masonic Fraternity, your Inspiration has came from your Past, your Duty is in the Present, your Hope is in the Future, I ask you always to remember – In all you do, In all you say, In all of your actions, take a good look at yourself, you are someone’s impression of Freemasonry.